We’re Breaking Up the Band

2015 has arrived; a time of resolutions, hoverboards, and new beginnings. So, it seems more than appropriate that we take this time to announce the changes here at Hexanine.

It’s been nearly six amazing years, and we’ve had the pleasure and good fortune to work with dozens of great clients on amazing projects that inspired others, won awards, and moved the needle for organizations large and small. And now it’s time for a change.

After thousands of miles, millions of Skype sessions, and tons of wonderful memories, we are are bidding Hexanine a fond farewell, and moving on to new opportunities.

Both of us are heading off in different directions, with new challenges and other teams, as well as exciting solo endeavors. You can keep in touch with both of us in a variety of ways, so please drop a line or give a call.

Best wishes, adios, good night, and good luck!

“There is no real ending. It’s just the place where you stop the story.”

— Frank Herbert

Jan 8 2015



Jason Adam Elected AIGA Los Angeles President

Jason AIGA LA President

Along with a talented slate of new Board Members, Hexanine co-founder Jason Adam has been elected as the new President of AIGA Los Angeles. With the help of the passionate and talented chapter membership, he is excited to lead the organization to even greater heights during the next two years. Composed of 68 chapters and over 28,000 members across the nation, AIGA, the professional association for design, is committed to advancing design as a professional craft, strategic advantage, and vital cultural force.

We Like Photographers

Hexanine Golden Apple Photo Shoot

It’s always a pleasure to work with great shutterbugs, and at Hexanine we’re proud to partner with some excellent ones. In our ongoing work with the excellent Golden Apple Foundation, we’re working alongside talents like Greg Hinchman and Patrick Fahrner, and recently we banded together to traverse around the Loop in Chicago for a shoot. Great deli sandwiches, 11 portrait subjects, slight sunburn — all together, a fun and very productive day.


Read on…

Jason Adam Talks Creativity With Ventito

Jason Adam Interviewed by Ventito - Hexanine

Inspiration is at the heart of what we do on a daily basis at Hexanine, and it’s something we love to talk about. That’s exactly what our co-founder, Jason Adam, did with the great folks at Western Digital’s Ventito in a wide-ranging interview. Here’s a snippet:

“My attitude now is the same as it was before: Opportunities need to be uncovered. And the best way to do that is by consistently making unreasonable requests. There’s almost always nothing to lose, and wild and incredible experiences to gain.”

You can check out the rest of the interview at the link above, and hear from other experts in creativity at Ventito.

Hexanine Featured in FPO Awards Book

Hexanine Work in FPO Awards Book

We mentioned back in August that our work for AIGA Chicago and Unisource had been selected as an FPO Award winner. Our copy of the award book finally arrived in the mail a little while back, and we’re so superjazzed that we had to share. Another great shout out is due to Armin and Bryony for all the great work they do with FPO and all their other design-loving endeavors. You can purchase your copy of the book here. Or you could also set one of the images in this post as your desktop wallpaper. We did.

More beautiful pics after the jump.

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Jason Adam AIGA Los Angeles

AIGA, the professional association for design, is the country’s largest community of design advocates, uniting practitioners, students, and enthusiasts to behind common goal: advancing design as a professional craft and a vital cultural force. It was founded in 1914 in New York City, and has since grown to encompass 68 chapters including over 25,000 members. Here in Los Angeles, our chapter has a rich history dating back 30 years, involving such design legends as Saul Bass, Deborah Sussman, April Greiman, and Sean Adams, among many others.

Last month, while serving as Vice President of AIGA Los Angeles, I was asked by Noreen Morioka to assume the role of President as she stepped down to focus on personal and business matters. It was my great privilege to say yes, and I want to thank Noreen for the countless hours she’s devoted to our chapter over the past few years; AIGA Los Angeles is where it is today because of her leadership. Read on…

Mar 2 2014


Tim Discusses “Art of Atari” Book With Edge Magazine

Hexanine: Tim Discusses Art of Atari With Edge Magazine

It’s wonderful when your passion for a particular niche blossoms into something tangible. In my case, the art of classic video game brand Atari has influenced me since childhood. It engrossed me so much that I’ve spent quite a few hours researching, interviewing, and collecting examples of the illustration, graphic design, and industrial design of this pioneering company. I’ve had the privilege to talk to many artists, designers, and even co-founder Nolan Bushnell about the creative legacy of Atari. That work is beginning to take shape as a book, and as word has gotten out about it, I’ve gotten quite a few questions. So I took the opportunity to talk with Michael Gapper at Edge Magazine and answer some of them. If you also have fond memories of Missile Command and Pitfall Harry, you might enjoy checking out the full interview.

Happy Holidays From Hexanine!

Hexanine: Happy Holidays

As the year is winding down, we’re just now getting some time to reflect on the last twelve months. It has been another amazing whirlwind of a year, filled with peaks and valleys, great projects, amazing clients, new friendships, late nights, brain-searing ideas, and equal measures perspiration and inspiration.

Before 2013 comes to a close, we would be remiss if we didn’t wish you all a happy holiday and great new year — hopefully filled with friends, family, laughter and some time off to reboot for all that 2014 promises to be!

See you again next year!

New Work: Neenah Paper Print Pieces

Hexanine: Neenah Paper Loose Change Print Work

We recently had the privilege to work together with our friends at Neenah Paper and Unisource Worldwide to create the print collateral for an event co-created with AIGA Chicago. We created “collector coins” for an amazing panel event featuring some amazing designers in Chicago — including Steve Liska, Katherine Walker, Bart Crosby, Alisa Wolfson, Dawn Hancock, and moderator Rick Valicenti. You can see the project details here.