Musings: Assertiveness

Our short musings on design, branding, business and the human condition.

Probably one of the most underrated assets in co-workers, employees, and people in general is assertiveness. Not to be confused with aggressiveness, assertive workers strike first, asking “How will I do that?” or “Why shouldn’t I?” They are the people who expect to get that prospect meeting, those who introduce themselves to the famous speaker, and those who live by the adage, “It’s better to ask for forgiveness than permission.”

They take action, make things happen, and don’t wait to be told to go for it. Within an organization, this personal makeup is golden, and often makes up for other areas where someone is less talented. Is assertiveness on your radar?

Musings: Incrementalism

Our short musings on design, branding, business and the human condition.

Everyone likes to make progress, but what does that look like? Doing things as they pop up, and making quick, iterative changes can sometimes be more soul-satisfying and profitable than putting all the eggs into one basket of “overhaul.” Sometimes the team needs to take small steps forward, doing things that are simple to do, in the name of incremental, forward motion. Momentum and inertia are as true in business as they are in physics. So, point out the small victories and the tiny landmarks on your way to the major initiatives. Both are needed.