Zeroside is the brainchild of Tim Lapetino and Jason Adam, partners of brand design firm Hexanine.
This is our place for conversation on the issues and curiosities of graphic design and branding.
american apparel, brand strategy, branding, commentary, gap, gap logo, gap logo redesign, helvetica, logo design, strategic branding
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A Gap In Understanding
By now you’ve heard from many corners of the Internet about Gap’s failed rebranding effort, their response, and eventual recanting. Large corporate rebrandings, their challenges, and failures are nothing new. But the particular way in which Gap presented, backpedaled and reversed leaves our heads spinning. The drama has played out in the blogosphere, on Facebook and in the media. Hopefully Gap has learned something and closed what seems to be a (pardon the pun) gap in the understanding of their own brand.
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